Sabtu, 26 November 2011

I"ts Me

Hidup ini adalah perjuangan. Perjuangan untuk mengendalikan diri menuju sukses. banyak ujian yang akan kita hadapi untuk meraih cita-cita kita bahagia dunia dan akhirat. Syetan dan hawa nafsu terus mencoba untuk memalingkan kita dari jalan yang benar.
Oleh karena itu diperlukan keteguhan dan kesitiqamahan dalam menghadapi ujian tersebut. Diperlukan konsistensi yang sungguh-sungguh. Saat kita berusaha untuk melejitkan potensi kita. Saat kita berusaha untuk menghasilkan karya-karya besar kita yang bermanfaat untuk manusia dan diri kita. Kita bisa saja diserang oleh perasaan malas, lemah semangat dan keinginan untuk berada pada zona nyaman. Maka diperlukan perjuangan untuk mengatasinya

hidup itu cuma sekali ,jadi nikmatilah hidup ini seindah mungkin meski kadang masalah datang hadapilah dengan tenang , anggaplah semua masalah itu tantangan yang harus kita hadapi jadi tenangkanlah dirimu untuk dapat menghadapi semua masalahmu , that so hidup cuma sekali ...
 Enjoy aja ..

Senin, 06 Juni 2011

anak Teknik Pemesinan 36 jakarta utara

Secara khusus tujuan Program Keahlian Teknik Pemesinan adalah membekali peserta didik dengan keterampilan, pengetahuan dan sikap agar kompeten:
  1. Bekerja baik secara mandiri atau mengisi lowongan pekerjaan yang ada didunia usaha dan dunia industri sebagai tenaga kerja tingkat menengah dalam bidang Teknik Pemesinan.
  2. Memilih karir, berkompetisi, dan mengembangkan sikap profesional dalam bidang Teknik Pemesinan

Kompetensi :

Standar kompetensi yang digunakan sebagai acuan pengembangan kurikulum Program Keahlian Teknik Pemesinan adalah Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI) pada Bidang Industri Logam dan Mesin.
  1. Standar kompetensi dan level kualifikasi keahlian Teknik Pemesinan dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut :
  2. Melakukan komunikasi kerja dua arah
  3. Menerapkan prinsip-prinsip keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja di lingkungan kerja
  4. Menerapkan prosedur-prosedur mutu
  5. Membuat rencana tugas rutin
  6. Mengukur dengan alat ukur mekanik presisi
  7. Menggunakan perkakas tangan
  8. Mengukur dengan menggunakan alat ukur
  9. Melakukan perhitungan - dasar
  10. Mengoperasikan dan mengamati mesin/proses
  11. Melakukan perhitungan - lanjut
  12. Melakukan perhitungan matematis
  13. Membaca gambar teknik
  14. Mengoperasikan mesin NC/CNC (dasar)
  15. Menggunakan mesin  untuk operasi dasar
  16. Bekerja dengan mesin umum
  17. Mempergunakan mesin bubut
  18. Mempergunakan mesin frais
  19. Mempergunakan mesin gerinda
  20. Mengeset mesin dan program mesin NC/CNC (dasar)
  21. Menggerinda pahat dan alat potong
  22. Mempergunakan mesin frais (komplek)
  23. Mempergunakan mesin bubut (komplek)
  24. Mengeset  dan mengedit program mesin NC/CNC
  25. Memprogram mesin NC/CNC (dasar)

Minggu, 15 Mei 2011



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kerasku membuahkan hasil juga lega hati ini setelah tahu inilah hasil ujian akhirku sangat memuaskan dan inilah awal dari kesuksesan berasal semoga di suatu saat nantikita semua sukses dengan baik , terima kasih atas kebaikan kawan kawan ku yang selama ini telah baik kepadaku tak terasa inilah akhir perjuangan kita selama 3 kalian adalah tahun salah satu kenangan terinda yang kumiliki yang tak mungkin kulupakan selamatr berjuang kawan semoga sukses

Rabu, 20 April 2011

Perpisahan Sekolah

Setelah ujian nasional selesai, saatnya sekolah mengadakan acara perpisahan sekolah. Pastinya acara ini digelar untuk melepas siswa kelas dua belas. Walaupun siswa kelas dua belas yang telah melewati UN dan US masih deg-degan menunggu hasilnya. Sementara kelas sepuluh dan sebelas, biasanya mereka berlatih untuk menampilkan hiburan terbaik bagi kakak kelasnya. Guru, pengurus OSIS, pihak Komite Sekolah pun bekerja sama untuk menyelenggarakan perpisahan sederhana tapi bermakna untuk siswa kelas dua belas.
Perpisahan sekolah merupakan hal yang spesial karena semuanya berkumpul untuk merayakan satu kemenangan sekaligus berpisah. Perpisahan yang terjadi dengan tujuan agar kita bisa meraih pendidikan yang lebih baik dan lebih tinggi lagi. Semuanya demi masa depan yang lebih baik. Perasaan yang dirasakan pastinya bercampur aduk. Ada yang sedih, senang dan sebagainya. Tapi ini semuanya pasti membawa makna sendiri bagi kita semua.
Moment bersalaman dengan guru, orang tua/wali dan seluruh siswa adalah saat yang sangat ditunggu. Inilah moment yang sangat membuat kita semua merasa bahwa kita saling menyayangi. Tidak ketinggalan sesi pemotretan pun dilakukan untuk mengabadikan saat2 yang indah.
Perpisahan itu hanya perpisahan sebuah benda dengan benda lain sehingga jaraknya terpaut lebih jauh dari kedudukannya semula. Tapi bisa juga perpisahan adalah menjauhnya suatu ikatan batin (hanya ikatan batin saja) dari seseorang terhadap seseorang lainya ataupun dengan objek yang mempengaruhi batin seseorang itu atau berpisahnya seseorang selamanya tanpa pernah bisa berkomunikasi lagi.
Perpisahan ini bukanlah akhir dari segalanya tapi merupakan proses untuk mencapai masa depan yang lebih baik.
Semoga bermanfaat :)

Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

God of War (video game)

God of War is an action adventure video game for the PlayStation 2 first released by Sony Computer Entertainment's Santa Monica division in March 2005. It was the first game to be released in the God of War franchise.

Loosely based on Greek mythology, the game focuses on protagonist Kratos and forms part of a saga (chronologically the second chapter in the God of War series) with vengeance as a central theme.

Kratos must stop the God of War, Ares, from destroying the city of Athens by finding the fabled Pandora's Box.


As a third-person camera game, the player controls the character Kratos in a combination of combat, platforming and puzzle game elements. The player typically has to navigate Kratos through a long series of tests, trials and mazes to reach goals.

Kratos' main weapons are the Blades of Chaos, with secondary weapon the Blade of Artemis also being acquired. Magic is also acquired, with four different attacks being available: Poseidon's Rage, Medusa's Gaze, Zeus' Fury, and Army of Hades. The relic Poseidon's Trident is also obtained, which allows Kratos to breathe underwater. Kratos also temporarily wields the Blade of the Gods during the final fight with Ares.

A special ability called “Rage of the Gods” is also acquired, which provides temporary invulnerability and increased attack damage. It can be recharged by killing enemies.

Health and Magic upgrades - Gorgon Eyes and Phoenix Feathers respectively - are found throughout the game in chests. Six of each are needed to upgrade the Health and Magic bars respectively. Other chests found in the game, containing orbs, are marked with a corresponding color for the orbs (green, blue, and red). Green Orbs replenish health, blue orbs replenish magic and red orbs provide experience, which in turn allows the upgrading of magical abilities and weapons.

Red orbs may also be collected by killing foes and destroying certain inanimate objects. Combat includes a quick-time feature, which is initiated when the player has weakened a stronger foe and a icon (the circle button on the controller) appears above them. The player then presses the corresponding button commands appearing on screen, with success ending the battle, and failure usually resulting in damage. A "grab" maneuver is also available for use on minor foes that yields experience points in the form of red orbs.

A quick-time sex mini-game is included (an encounter with two hand maidens on Kratos' ship). A Challenge mode (ten trials called “ Challenge of the Gods”) is also included in the bonus features, which unlocks secret costumes and behind-the-scenes videos.

naruto shippuden movie 3 inheritors of the will of fire

Film Naruto shippuden movie 3 Scene dibuka ketika Kelompok 07 menyelidiki sebuah desa shinobi. Anggota team ini terdiri dari naruto, sakura, sai dan kakashi. Adegan awal terlihat sai diserang oleh sosok burung misterius.. akibat bulu dari burung tersebut akhirnya sai terjun bebas dari burung yg dikendarainya. Movie ini juga menceritakan Flash back menceritakan tentang Hiruko.. yaitu shinobi yang berasal dari desa Konoha… Hiruko adalah teman masa lalu sesama ninja orochimaru, tsunade, dan jiraiya waktu masih muda… Beda diantara yang lain Hiruko tidak sehebat ketiga Legendary Sannin tersebut. Akhirnya mencari supaya spy ia bisa sehebat seperti legendary sannin tersebut. Sehingga Hiruko menguasai dan mengembangkan teknik jutsu Chimera (jutsu terlarang). Akhirnya gelagat tersebut tercium oleh Legendary sannin. Ia pun melarikan diri akhirnya. Dan menjadi rogue ninja yang dendam terhadap Konoha. Pada saat sekarang, keberadaan Hiruko menjadi ancaman Hokage dan Kazekage karena ia menyatakan perang terhadap 5 negara.

Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011

Minimum System Requirements:
* OS - Windows XP (Service Pack 3) or Windows Vista (Service Pack 1) / Windows 7
* Processor – Intel Core™2 Duo 1.6 GHz or faster
* Memory – XP: 1 GB RAM; Vista/Windows 7: 1.5 GB RAM
* Hard Drive – 6 GB
* DVD Drive - 8 SPEED
* Video Card – 256 MB Video Card, with support for Pixel Shader 3.0*
* Sound Card - DirectX 9.0c compatible
* DirectX - DirectX 9.0c compatible
* Online Multiplayer – 512 Kbps or faster; 2-12 Players
* Input - Keyboard, Mouse
* Optional – USB Steering Wheel / Dual Analogue Gamepad

Recommended System Requirements:
* OS: Windows XP Service Pack 3 or Vista Service Pack 1
* CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2,5GHz or AMD 64 X2 2,0 GHz
* Memory: 2GB RAM (Vista 3GB)
* Hard Drive Space: 10 GB of free space
* Graphics Hardware: 512 MB RAM with Pixel Shader 3 (PCI-Ex)
* Sound Hardware: DirectX 9.0c compliant card (DirectX 10.1 compliant if applicable)
* DVD Drive: 8X or faster DVD Drive

Supported Video Cards: ATI Radeon X1800 XT 512MB or greater; NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT 256MB or greater. Laptop versions of these chipsets may work but are not supported. Updates to your video and sound carA::d drivers may be required.

Need for Speed: Underground 2

In 2003, the Need for Speed universe, and racing games everywhere, changed forever with the release of Underground. Moving away from the exotic supercars of the first six titles, it focused heavily on illegal street racing and the import tuner market, which had grown exponentially in popularity with the release of blockbuster films like The Fast and the Furious.
Underground featured something nobody ever thought a Need for Speed game would: a storyline. Also new was the ability for players to completely customize their cars with name-brand upgrades to the exterior or under the hood. Another new feature was that all races took place at night in an anonymous city that looked like a composite of several major American locales. New game modes included Drag, Circuit, and Drifting, a challenge that didn’t involve getting the best lap time.
In an effort to discourage illegal street racing, the game began with a disclaimer featuring Need for Speed producer Marc De Vellis warning players to keep their extreme driving within their game consoles.


A radical departure from the first six Need for Speed games -- which featured supercars, exotics, and other drool-worthy machines -- Underground was based largely around modified tuner vehicles.




Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Devil May Cry

   Devil May Cry (デビル メイ クライ) is a series of five hack and slash video games set in the modern day. The series was developed by Capcom and created by Hideki Kamiya. Originally intended to be a sequel in Capcom's Resident Evil series, Devil May Cry was such a radical departure from the series' style that it was developed into a new property entirely. The series centers on main character Dante's goal of avenging his mother's murder by exterminating demons. The gameplay consists of heavy combat scenes in which the player must attempt to extend long chains of attacks while avoiding damage in order to exhibit stylized combat; this element along with time and amount of items collected and used are taken under consideration when grading the player's performance.
The series has been a success with the first three games selling multiple million copies and being awarded the "Platinum Title" award by Capcom. The success of the video game series has led to the creation of comic books, novelizations, an anime series, guides, collectibles, publications, and a variety of action figures.
During the 2010 edition of the Tokyo Game Show Capcom revealed a new game named DmC Devil May Cry. The new game is developed by Ninja Theory and centers on a younger version of Dante.

The chronological order of the Devil May Cry series does not follow the release order of the games. The first game in the time line is Devil May Cry 3 followed by Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry 4 and Devil May Cry 2. The Devil May Cry anime series is set sometime between Devil May Cry and Devil May Cry 4. The manga acts as a prequel that leads up to the events of Devil May Cry 3. DmC is a reboot and has nothing to do with previous games in the series.[9]
The plot of the series begins with Devil May Cry 3 in Dante's as-of-yet unnamed shop as a mysterious man named Arkham appears to offer an invitation from Dante's brother, Vergil.[10] An immense tower erupts from the ground a short distance away from the shop and Dante takes the situation as a challenge.[11] Following numerous battles Dante arrives at the tower's summit, Temen-Ni-Gru, and battles Vergil. Vergil defeats Dante and departs. He eventually catches up in the control room located in the tower's basement. The brothers battle again until they are interrupted by Lady, then Arkham, who has been manipulating them all to reactivate the tower. Arkham intends to steal the Force Edge, Sparda's sword.[12][13]
Dante crosses over to the demon world and catches up with Arkham, and he and Vergil work together to bring down Arkham. Dante and Vergil battle, and Dante is victorious. Returning to the human world, Dante meets Lady outside the tower where she coins the phrase "devil may cry" while trying to comfort Dante over the loss of his brother. They form a friendship and the beginnings of a partnership in demon-slaying, and he names his shop "Devil May Cry".[14][15]
Devil May Cry begins with Dante being attacked in his office by Trish. He brushes off her assault and she claims that the demon emperor Mundus is planning a return.[16] Dante explores Mallet Island, encountering a variety of demons, including one named Nelo Angelo.[17] Dante is defeated but Nelo Angelo flees. Other encounters with Mundus' demon generals serve to indicate Dante has become even more powerful than his father since his initial awakening in Devil May Cry 3.[18] Nelo Angelo attacks twice more in later missions, and is eventually revealed to be Dante's brother, Vergil. Dante enters the underworld in search of Mundus, where Trish sacrifices herself to save him. Dante releases the power of Sparda that Vergil sought in Devil May Cry 3.[19] Dante and Mundus then battle on another plane of existence. Trish returns and lends Dante her power. Dante then defeats Mundus.[20] Dante and Trish escape as the island collapses, and later work together in the renamed shop, "Devil Never Cry".
In the Devil May Cry anime series, Dante is hired as the bodyguard of a young girl named Patty. While initially skeptical of his personality. Patty winds up growing attached to Dante and spends most of her time at his shop, often cleaning it or decorating it in girly fashion, much to Dante's dismay. While Dante's main job during the series is to protect Patty, he spends most of his time doing odd jobs he receives at his shop (which has been renamed back to "Devil May Cry" sometime after the events of Devil May Cry) which often end in him killing demons that harass the city. Lady makes a return, working as a Devil Hunter herself, to hire Dante in order to pay off a huge debt Dante owes. Trish soon shows up as well, and it's revealed that she has been working away from Dante for some time in order to try and establish a solo career as a Devil Hunter. Lady and Trish meet for the first time and do not get along right away. Despite this, the three wind up working together to take on certain difficult jobs. Near the end of the series it is revealed that Patty's mother is the descendant of a human sorcerer, who once sealed away the power of an ancient devil lord, Abigail. Eventually the demon Sid comes out as the villain of the series and reveals his evil plot involving the sealed away power of Abigail. While Lady and Trish fight off demons summoned by Sid, Dante fights and kills Sid himself. Sometime later, Dante, Trish, and Lady all get hired on the same job and take bets on who will win. Patty comes into Dante's shop to clean, showing that the two continue to have a somewhat father-daughter type of relationship.
In Devil May Cry 4 Lady visits Dante's shop (still renamed "Devil May Cry" again, and not "Devil Never Cry") to investigate The Order of the Sword, a cult-like group that worships Sparda and has been collecting Devil Arms. Dante is originally uninterested, but Trish (who appears to have given up her solo career and is working under Dante again) goes on ahead and takes the Sparda sword with her. Later, Nero witnesses Dante crash into an Order meeting and assassinate the leader, Sanctus. Nero attacks Dante and awakens his Devil Bringer arm, only to find that Dante was not taking their fight seriously. Nero pursues Dante, and along the way comes to realize that the Order is opening gates to the demon world in order to harness its power. Sanctus is revived through demonic power, and he sets in motion a plan to have Kyrie, Nero's love interest, kidnapped. Nero pursues and fights against Sanctus, but is captured by him and used together with Kyrie to form the core of The Savior, a giant demon in the form of a god. Dante steps in and destroys all the Hell Gates that the Order has opened, then fights against the Savior. Unable to destroy it from the outside, he leaves that task to Nero to defeat it from the inside. Nero kills Sanctus and rescues Kyrie, and ultimately destroys the Savior. Dante gives Nero the sword Yamato that formerly belonged to Vergil (the Order had found it, broken, and Nero had restored it and used it in his fights as his own Devil Trigger). Later, at the Devil May Cry shop, Lady pays Dante and Trish for their work; however, Trish is unhappy with the amount. Dante avoids dealing with the situation, and as a customer with the password phones in, the three head out to take on another mission.
Devil May Cry 2 begins with Dante entering a museum where an important item called the Medaglia is stored, where Lucia invites Dante to Dumary Island. Lucia's mother, Matier, asks Dante to help fight Arius, a businessman who wields demonic power.[21] Dante decides to help.[22] Lucia confronts Arius, who reveals that she was his creation.[23] Shortly afterward, Lucia gives Dante the last of the Arcana before leaving.[24] Dante then encounters Matier who asks Dante to take the Arcana to save Lucia from Arius.[25] Lucia attacks Arius, though he captures her. Dante arrives and trades the Arcana for Lucia, then attacks Arius, who escapes.[26] A large stream of energy strikes the Ouroboros (refers to an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon swallowing its own tail and forming a circle.) tower and a portal to the demon world is opened. Dante and Lucia argue over who will enter, with Dante entering the portal to deal with Argosax.[27]
After Dante departs, Arius returns too, though Lucia goes on to defeat him.[28] Within the portal, Dante fights and defeats the partially summoned Argosax. Finding the portal closed, Dante instead drives further into the demon realm on a motorcycle. In the aftermath of the battle, Matier insists to Lucia that Sparda returned from a similar trip. Sometime later in Dante's shop, Lucia muses about Dante and examines the coin he gave her. It shows that it was two headed. Outside the sound of a motorcycle echoes, and Lucia leaves to investigate. The player is not shown whether or not it is Dante.

Selasa, 01 Februari 2011


Transformers adalah sebuah waralaba media populer tentang robot alien fiksi ciptaan Hasbro.[1] Mereka berasal dari planet Cybertron, dan mempunyai dua grup utama. Pertama adalah grup heroik Autobots yang dipimpin oleh Optimus Prime/Rodimus Prime dan grup penjahat Decepticons yang dipimpin oleh Megatron/Galvatron. Mereka semua memiliki kemampuan untuk berubah dan menyesuaikan bentuk tubuh mereka dengan beragam model benda-benda yang ada di Bumi, seperti kendaraan darat, pesawat terbang, hewan, dan alat-alat elektronik modern (contohnya handphone dan CD player). Karena itu pula, mereka dapat merubah massa berat tubuh mereka sendiri (seperti membesar atau mengecil), atau beberapa hal lain seperti bergabung menjadi satu dengan robot yang lain. Semboyan Transformers yang paling terkenal adalah: More Than Meets the Eye dan Robots in Disguise. Semua seri dan franchise Transformers yang ada saat ini merupakan sekuel yang berbasis dari versi original tahun 1984 yang disesuaikan dengan perkembangan zaman.
Cerita Transformers yang terbesar adalah Transformers: Generation 1, yang ditampilkan dalam bentuk serial TV dan komik yang dikarang oleh Marvel, dengan dua versi lain di Jepang dan Inggris. Sekuelnya adalah Transformers: Generation 2, dan Beast Wars. Kemudian di awal 2000 muncul beberapa seri lain yaitu Robots in Disguise dan Unicron Trilogy. Selain itu, film live-action juga muncul pada 2007 lalu dan disusul sekuelnya yang berjudul Revenge of the Fallen pada 2009. Sampai saat ini seri terbaru dari Transformers adalah serial The Animated besutan Cartoon Network.

Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

HP Canggih Yang Bisa Mendeteksi Cuaca !

HP Canggih Yang Bisa Mendeteksi Cuaca !

Desain Handphone Masa Depan ini menggunakan konsep cool Weather Concept, Dimana Konsep Handphone ini bisa menyesuaikan kondisi berdasarkan cuaca dan suhu, konsep ponsel dengan cuaca ini di desain oleh Seunghan Song, dimana dalam handpone ini bisa memnggambarkan dan memberikan informasi secara akurat suhu atau cuaca pada saat itu.

Jika anda semuanya penasaran pengen melihat Desain handphone masa depan dengan konsep penandaa suhu udara yuk kita simak sama-sama gambarnya yang berhasil di temukan oleh tim berita unik

Keren bener neg barang ya, bisa mendeteksi keadaan cuaca pada saat Itu, semoga bisa cepat diluncurkan barang ginian.

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