Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

God of War (video game)

God of War is an action adventure video game for the PlayStation 2 first released by Sony Computer Entertainment's Santa Monica division in March 2005. It was the first game to be released in the God of War franchise.

Loosely based on Greek mythology, the game focuses on protagonist Kratos and forms part of a saga (chronologically the second chapter in the God of War series) with vengeance as a central theme.

Kratos must stop the God of War, Ares, from destroying the city of Athens by finding the fabled Pandora's Box.


As a third-person camera game, the player controls the character Kratos in a combination of combat, platforming and puzzle game elements. The player typically has to navigate Kratos through a long series of tests, trials and mazes to reach goals.

Kratos' main weapons are the Blades of Chaos, with secondary weapon the Blade of Artemis also being acquired. Magic is also acquired, with four different attacks being available: Poseidon's Rage, Medusa's Gaze, Zeus' Fury, and Army of Hades. The relic Poseidon's Trident is also obtained, which allows Kratos to breathe underwater. Kratos also temporarily wields the Blade of the Gods during the final fight with Ares.

A special ability called “Rage of the Gods” is also acquired, which provides temporary invulnerability and increased attack damage. It can be recharged by killing enemies.

Health and Magic upgrades - Gorgon Eyes and Phoenix Feathers respectively - are found throughout the game in chests. Six of each are needed to upgrade the Health and Magic bars respectively. Other chests found in the game, containing orbs, are marked with a corresponding color for the orbs (green, blue, and red). Green Orbs replenish health, blue orbs replenish magic and red orbs provide experience, which in turn allows the upgrading of magical abilities and weapons.

Red orbs may also be collected by killing foes and destroying certain inanimate objects. Combat includes a quick-time feature, which is initiated when the player has weakened a stronger foe and a icon (the circle button on the controller) appears above them. The player then presses the corresponding button commands appearing on screen, with success ending the battle, and failure usually resulting in damage. A "grab" maneuver is also available for use on minor foes that yields experience points in the form of red orbs.

A quick-time sex mini-game is included (an encounter with two hand maidens on Kratos' ship). A Challenge mode (ten trials called “ Challenge of the Gods”) is also included in the bonus features, which unlocks secret costumes and behind-the-scenes videos.

naruto shippuden movie 3 inheritors of the will of fire

Film Naruto shippuden movie 3 Scene dibuka ketika Kelompok 07 menyelidiki sebuah desa shinobi. Anggota team ini terdiri dari naruto, sakura, sai dan kakashi. Adegan awal terlihat sai diserang oleh sosok burung misterius.. akibat bulu dari burung tersebut akhirnya sai terjun bebas dari burung yg dikendarainya. Movie ini juga menceritakan Flash back menceritakan tentang Hiruko.. yaitu shinobi yang berasal dari desa Konoha… Hiruko adalah teman masa lalu sesama ninja orochimaru, tsunade, dan jiraiya waktu masih muda… Beda diantara yang lain Hiruko tidak sehebat ketiga Legendary Sannin tersebut. Akhirnya mencari supaya spy ia bisa sehebat seperti legendary sannin tersebut. Sehingga Hiruko menguasai dan mengembangkan teknik jutsu Chimera (jutsu terlarang). Akhirnya gelagat tersebut tercium oleh Legendary sannin. Ia pun melarikan diri akhirnya. Dan menjadi rogue ninja yang dendam terhadap Konoha. Pada saat sekarang, keberadaan Hiruko menjadi ancaman Hokage dan Kazekage karena ia menyatakan perang terhadap 5 negara.

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